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Interviews with People Pursuing Greatness


Feb 18, 2019

Were on with Albuquerque, New Mexico and worldwide radio DJ legends the amazing Mr. Aaron 'Buck' Burnett and Dex Toth from the Buck and Dex show that aired for something like fifteen years in Albuquerque and world wide. We talk all Buck and Dex nostalgia, what these guys are crushing lately and what the future holds. Buck is now rolling on nights at The Coyote 102.5, as well as running hard with his new co-owned venture with The El Rey a badass venue in downtown Albuquerque and Dex is doing a daily gig Star 88 a morning show on the radio and Youtube as well as his new amazing new Youtube show Don't Sweat the Small stuff with fellow Star 88 co host Stevo. We talk Delbert, breaking out bands like FlyLeaf, Jackson's MMA training gym alumni and dishing all things Buck and Dex show. These guys were so cool and humble mad respect to you guys and thank you so much for letting an old fan chat with you. All the links are in the episode description check out and subscribe to his youtube show Don't Sweat the Small Stuff. Buck is cracking on the grand opening of The El Rey's Speakeasy make sure you go to this amazing venue drink some Mezcal under the stars, check out the speakeasy and don't miss the amazing artists that they book at the venue. Follow and keep up with Everything A Perch of birds and your host I, Me, El Capitan is doing on YouTube just look up A Perch of Birds Podcast, Facebook at, Instagram at aperchofbirdsmedia, and if you like what I'm doing and wanna see the show grow with your sponsorship help check out our Patreon at Again Buck Dex, humbled beyond words, thank you again, Fangirl’d hard doing this one, you folks listening thank you for being a bunch of badasses and keep pursuing greatness.


Show Notes:


- 2:00 Who are Buck and Dex

- 5:00 World Famous - New Mexico Legends

- 7:00 The Deaf guy

- 9:00 Jon Jones and Ricky

- 12:00 Flyleaf Five Finger Death Punch and breaking bands

- 16:00 How are diaries relevant?

- 21:00 How did it all end?

- 24:00 The third?

- 27:00 Delbert, Dex and dirty diapers

- 32:00 Buck and Dex Army

- 39:00 Henry Rollins, Joe Rogan, Bryan Cranston and best interviews

- 43:00 Charlie Murphy and the worst interviews

- 47:00 Cheaters Hotel!!

- 53:00 Buck and Dex Podcast

- 54:00 Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

- 57:00 The oldest 41 year old in the business =)

- 01:00:00 Podcasts B and D Listen to

- 01:06:00 Music They listen to

- 01:11:00 Buck the El Rey downtown and the new speakeasy

- 01:14:00 Dex Star 88, and Don't Sweat the Small Stuff


Bucks El Rey →


Dexs Show Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff →


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